what is onomatomania disease that actor naseeruddin shah is struggling with know symptoms and treatment

what is onomatomania disease that actor naseeruddin shah is struggling with know symptoms and treatment

Naseeruddin Shah Disease : Actor Naseeruddin Shah is 73 years old. Some time ago he revealed that he has a disease called onomatopoeia. Due to which it is not easy to remain normal. He becomes restless from time to time and keeps repeating his words again and again. Due to this disease, the patient keeps repeating his words or statements unnecessarily.

Onomatomania can mean ‘fear or attachment to a single word’ or ‘frustration of not being able to think of a single word’. Some people also interpret this word to mean ‘obsession with a particular word’, which the patient uses repeatedly and it dominates his mind. Let’s know about this disease that Naseeruddin Shah suffered from…

what disease is onomatomania
According to health experts, whenever a person in onomatomania talks to someone, he repeats a word or a whole sentence again and again. He keeps repeating the words that he likes. In this disease, there is an obsession for a word. This disease is mostly seen in creative people, artists, poets or writers. According to experts, this is not a psychological disease. It is just a kind of random term, which can affect the working capacity of a person.

What are the symptoms of onomatomania
1. Repeating the same word or sentence over and over again, becoming attached to it
2. Keep saying or repeating that sentence even while sleeping
3. You can repeat not only words but also any film dialogue.
4. Loss of sleep and increased restlessness while repeating the word

What is the treatment for onomatomania
Health experts say that there is no specific medicine or treatment for this disease. If its symptoms increase, then you should consult a doctor and tell him about the problem. As long as this disease does not affect your daily routine, it will not cause any major problem. In serious conditions, the doctor can provide some treatment.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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